When you search for a title in PLSclear.com, results will be automatically filtered so that titles by PLSclear participating publishers are returned first. This is indicated by the toggle at the top of the search results being ‘on’ (green).
Titles opted into PLSclear by participating publishers are also highlighted with an orange tick mark.
If your initial search returns no results, or not the result you wanted, you can turn the toggle ‘off’ (grey) which will show all titles in our database related to your search, including those not currently opted into PLSclear (with no orange tick mark).
You can still make a request for these titles, however as they are not currently linked to a PLSclear participating publisher, it may take longer to process your request.
If the publisher does not participate in PLSclear you may have to resubmit the request to the publisher directly.
To make it easy to resubmit your request to the publisher by email, you can download your request from PLSclear as a PDF.